Art dump!

Got a nice little art update on Project Sunshine (working title) over at ArtStation. Nothing to fancy and some of you might have seen much of it on my Instagram account already. Mr. K is still hard at work with much of the models and doing some really cool stuff with the first level.

Me, on the other hand, cobble together the odd 3D model from time to time, while also working on the manuscript and with my webcomic. It is a lot of work but tremendously fun. Hopefully, we will have a playable demo before we die of old age!

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Project Sunshine update

Got another piece of concept art done the other day, you might have caught over on my Instagram or Twitter already. Did it while learning Unity 3D from the ground up over at since my good mate Mr. K is frolicking and lollygagging over in Japan. The process of the demo is going slowly at the moment, but a lot of things are happening behind the scenes. We are using Substance Painter for most of the textures and using PBL makes it all just look so lovely. Also, the manuscript is coming along fine, reaching far longer than the demo. Will update in the future how everything is going, however, it might be a while before we have more to share about the Project Sunshine demo.  










Ps. For those confused over what the hell I am talking about, I and my best mate and colleague Mr. K are working on an indie horror game demo on our sparse spare time. Most of the updates have before been over at my Instagram and in the portfolio. 


Blog Out!


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