The Wonders of technology

The other day while my mother, the medium known as Melchiora (not even kidding, my mother is a psychic), was in town to meet and great our new baby boy Gabriel into the world, I found myself helplessly listening to one of her tedious stories of relatives long since gone. However, I did have my sketchbook at the ready so I could occupy myself all while my ears were starting to ache and fall off. I had an itch to draw some fan art and decided on good ol’ Shazam (also known as Captain Marvel in the good ol’ days!) but my hands told me something else.

I might have mentioned it once or thrice on twitter that I live with a condition called Fibromyalgia, with just a hint of Parkinsonian tremor and disturbed nerve-endings, since the tender age of 23. So that was it, my hands were shaking and the pencil lines became… squiggly. Real squiggly… like even my two year old thought it looked bad… But shame on those who gives up, right? I finished my sketchy wee doodle and thought to myself:

“Well this looks horrible!”

In the old golden days of artsy stuff, that would had been it on a bad day. On my good days I am rather good with the pen, some might even say great (wifey that is). But on bad days… oh the horror… Fortunately we live in an age of technological marvel! I took the horrible creation that I doodled down in my sketchbook and scanned it in, opened up Photoshop and started working. Those squiggly lines became straight and dynamic, in all the chaos order was born and something closer to what I had in mind came to be. It might not be in the same class as those top notch masters over at Marvel and DC Comics, and I did do him in my “cartoony comics” style and not aiming for anything realistic, but that is well beside the point.

I had a bad day where my fine motor skills were thrown out the window and usurped by tremors and pain. That did not stop me, since in this day and age if you can not be a practical artist you can become a digital one. And that is good enough for me, especially since I do this for a living and a pleasure. I am happy and grateful to be living in the modern digital world, it suits me rather well.

And with that I must end this wee piece of romanticized retelling of a simple piece of fun doodling, not only to put on a fresh batch of joe, but to change me shirt since I got baby puke all over it…

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Posted 29/04/2016 by LarsLasse in category "Uncategorised